Nov 11, 2022

Nov 5, 2021

Nov 19, 2020
MetNet Scandinavia is a network for metaphor research in, or related to Scandinavia. Our main goal is to promote research on metaphor and other types of figuration (e.g. metonymy, hyperbole, irony, etc.) in the Scandinavian context (broadly defined: e.g., about Scandinavian issues, conducted by researchers linked to Scandinavia, etc.).
MetNet Scandinavia was founded on September 24-25, 2018, with a two-day intensive workshop at Umeå University, Sweden. It is chaired by Misuzu Shimotori, University of Bergen and Niahm Anna O'Dowd, University of Oslo.
September 29, 14.15-16.00 (CET)
Pernille Bogo Jorgensen: “Metaphor scenarios in discourses on menopause: a critical metaphor study of online articles of women’s magazines and medical websites from Denmark and the US”.
November 17, 14.15-16.00 (CET)
Niklas Törneke: “Metaphor use in psychotherapy”
Send an e-mail to annika.hillbom@edu.uu.se if you wish to attend.
Join us for online seminars where we discuss current research in a relaxed setting!
Are you a metaphor researcher working within a Scandinavian context? Join MetNet Scandinavia!
Just leave your contact information below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.